Hello Mayor Volk and Members of the City Council,
My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a resident of Hendersonville NC at [YOUR ZIP CODE]. I am emailing to demand a restructuring of the Hendersonville city budget to prioritize social services for the community and significantly decrease spending on the police.
The $5.8 million budget allocation for police in FY 2020-2021 in Hendersonville represents a large amount of resources that could be better spent improving community wellbeing through community led programs. For instance health and welfare only receives $282,480 in funding. Research shows that a living wage, access to health services and treatment, educational opportunity, and stable housing are far more successful at increasing community safety than police or prisons. As such, I demand more aggressive financial support be directed to those areas.
Reallocating funds away from the police in Hendersonville will provide much needed assistance and security to the most vulnerable people in our community.