To Rudy Marconi, the Ridgefield Board of Selectmen, and the Ridgefield Board of Finance:
My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a Ridgefield resident currently living in [YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD]. I am writing to demand that the Ridgefield Board of Selectmen adopt a city budget that prioritizes community wellbeing, and redirects funding away from the police.
In 2019, Ridgefield recorded a $5,495,911 expenditure on Police compared to a $232,140 expenditure on social services.
I ask that the town begins to meaningfully defund the Ridgefield Police Department and re-allocate those funds to programs proven to more effectively promote a safe and equitable community: community-based mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, affordable housing programs, and more.
History has shown that police "reform" is not enough. We must take a hard look at the ways that the current system in place fails to serve--and in fact, actively harms--our community, and come together to reimagine the role of police in our town.
Thank you,